Search for tag: "2019_08"
Bulk Edit Products Using Excel Export / Import - SAP Commerce CloudFor Release: SAP Commerce Cloud 2011This video contains a short tutorial of how to edit existing products in bulk using Excel export / import.
From SAP Microlearning
4,537 plays
Add a Product to a Category - SAP Commerce CloudFor Release: SAP Commerce Cloud 1811 and 1905This video shows how to add a product to an existing or a new category in the Backoffice Product Cockpit.
From SAP Microlearning
4,486 plays
SAP Commerce Cloud: Cloud Portal, Infrastructure and Tools - WebcastsAn introduction to the Cloud Portal, where you will self-service your infrastructure and access tooling to support your site including monitoring and logging. High-level explanation of how to…
From SAP Microlearning
2,285 plays
Edit a Category Page - SAP Commerce CloudFor Release: SAP Commerce Cloud 1811 and 1905 This video explains how to edit a category page using SmartEdit.
From SAP Microlearning
3,653 plays
Create a Static Page - SAP Commerce CloudFor Release: SAP Commerce Cloud 1811 and 1905This video shows step by step how to create a static page using SmartEdit. To learn more, click on the related videos.
From SAP Microlearning
4,910 plays
Add a New Navigation Node - SAP Commerce CloudFor Release: SAP Commerce Cloud 1811 and 1905This video shows how to add a Navigation Node to your website using SmartEdit.
From SAP Microlearning
4,632 plays
Add a Component to a Shared Content Slot - SAP Commerce CloudFor Release: SAP Commerce Cloud 1811 and 1905 This video contains a brief description of how to add a component to a shared content slot of an existing page.
From SAP Microlearning
3,497 plays
Create a Commerce Customization - SAP Commerce CloudFor Release: SAP Commerce Cloud 1811 and 1905This video shows all steps needed to create a Commerce Customization, also known as Promotion, in SmartEdit.
From SAP Microlearning
3,644 plays
Implementing OIDC - SAP Customer IdentityIn this video, you'll learn about what OpenID Connect is and how it is used with SAP Customer Data Cloud. You’ll first see how to configure Customer Data Cloud as an OpenID Connect…
From SAP Microlearning
1,975 plays
Synchronize a Product or Catalog - SAP Commerce CloudFor Release: SAP Commerce Cloud 1811 and 1905 This video explains step-by-step how to synchronize an existing product or an entire catalog in the Backoffice Product Cockpit.
From SAP Microlearning
4,863 plays
Create a Product Category - SAP Commerce CloudFor Release: SAP Commerce Cloud 1811 and 1905 This video contains all the steps needed to create a product category in the Backoffice Product Cockpit.
From SAP Microlearning
5,371 plays
SAML: Configuring Service Provider in SAP Customer Data CloudIn this video, you'll learn about the Service Provider Configuration required in the SAP Customer Data Cloud and the client application, for an SP Initiated SSO scenario.
From SAP Microlearning
1,660 plays
Add a Personalization to a Page - SAP Commerce CloudIn this video, we will show you step-by-step how to add Personalization to a Page in SmartEdit. In this case, we will replace a banner on the home page with a different banner, catered to a specific…
From SAP Microlearning
4,056 plays
Clone a Page - SAP Commerce CloudFor Release: SAP Commerce Cloud 1811 and 1905 This video shows how to clone a page and its components using SmartEdit.
From SAP Microlearning
3,673 plays
Remove, Delete and Restore a Page - SAP Commerce CloudFor Release: SAP Commerce Cloud 1811 and 1905 This video shows how to remove, delete and restore a page in SmartEdit.
From SAP Microlearning
3,346 plays