Search for tag: "2021_46"
Contract Amount within Approval Rules - SAP AribaIn this microlearning, you'll learn how administrators can use the Contract Amount field to add inital approvers to a contract approval flow. Also, it will explain how to add a Chain Rule to add…
From SAP Microlearning
426 plays
[ARCHIVED] Autumn Release 2021: Ready For Anything - WebcastsPlease note: this video is outdated and has been archived. In order to browse up-to-date content, please go back to the main page of openSAP Microlearning.Join us to learn more about the range of…
From openSAP Microlearning
18 plays
[ARCHIVED] SAP Qualtrics Surveys Integration - SAP Marketing CloudPlease note: this video is outdated and has been archived. In order to browse up-to-date content, please go back to the main page of openSAP MicrolearningPlease note, that this video refers to…
From openSAP Microlearning
882 plays
Integrating and Analyzing Google Ads Campaigns - SAP Marketing CloudDo you want to reach even more customers and gain deeper insights? Run display and video campaigns in Google Adwords and evaluate their performance data in SAP Marketing Cloud. Please note, that this…
From SAP Microlearning
3,772 plays
Score Builder - SAP Marketing CloudThis video will show you how to effectively use the Score Builder to create and adapt scores for contacts using heuristic rules. Typically, marketing professionals use scores in Segmentation to rank…
From SAP Microlearning
3,243 plays
Segmentation Configuration - SAP Marketing CloudIn this video you will learn about possible segmentation configurations and tools for analyzing and tracing segmentation steps in SAP Marketing Cloud. Please note, that your SAP Marketing Cloud…
From SAP Microlearning
2,025 plays
Segmentation Modelling - SAP Marketing CloudPlease note, that your SAP Marketing Cloud interface might look slightly different, but the overall process stays the same. Watch this video for an introduction to the segmentation terminology.
From SAP Microlearning
3,871 plays